New Aswan Low Dam’s Bridge to be inaugurated in Feb.2020

Aswan Low Dam’s Bridge - Wikipedia

The New Aswan Low Dam’s Bridge will be built as an alternative to old Aswan Low Dam’s Bridge to reduce overcrowding.

Egypt Today introduces the information you need to know about the new bridge:
1- It will be an alternative to the current Aswan Low Dam’s Bridge.

2- All means of transportation will be transferred to it due to the overload on the current bridge that might lead to its collapse.

3- The new bridge is being built after conducting lots of studies.

4- The new project costs up to $2 billion.

5- The new axis will connect Cairo-Aswan road to the western agriculture road.

6- It is 4.5 km in length and 30 meters in width; it includes threelanes in each direction.

7- It will be launched in February 2020.

Egypt Today


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