Members of Supreme State Security Prosecution visit Tora Prison

Policemen and people walk in front of the main gate of Tora prison in Cairo. PHOTO: Reuters

The State Information Service (SIS) released on Sunday a video recording a visit by members of the Supreme State Security Prosecution to Tora Prison Complex Southern Cairo on October 22.

The video shows the prosecutors checking the food and healthcare facilities, and talking to a couple of prisoners on their detention conditions and the health services provided to them.

In October, a delegation from the Parliament’s Human Rights Committee headed by Alaa Abed arrived at the headquarters of the Alexandria Security Directorate as the first leg of a visit organized by the committee to inspect a number of police departments in the governorate.

President of the National Council for Human Rights Mohamed Fayek announced on Tuesday that Egypt officially received the presidency of the African Network of National Human Rights Institutions.

The African Network is a regional organization of national institutions that promote and protect human rights in the African continent. It is worth mentioning that Egypt signed the document establishing the African Network of National Human Rights Institutions on the occasion of the Sixth Conference of African National Human Rights Institutions, held in the Rwandan capital of Kigali in October 2007 at its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.

The vision of the African Network is to achieve human rights endeavors in every African country in accordance with the Paris Principles.

Egypt Today


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