Supreme Administrative Court rules to dissolve Building and Development Party

Court hearing - CC via the blue diamond gallery

Political Parties Department at the Supreme Administrative Court accepted a request by the Political Parties Affairs Committee to dissolve the Building and Development Party, and liquidate its funds.

In the previous session, the State Commission of the Supreme Administrative Court recommended accepting the appeal submitted demanding the dissolving of the Islamist political party, the Building and Development Party, based on its funding for terrorist groups, and its affiliation with a number of terrorist groups.

The Political Parties Affairs Committee, headed by Counselor Adel Al-Shorbaji, previously sent an urgent note to the Attorney General, requesting an investigation, in addition to preparing the necessary report regarding the violation of the Building and Development Party to the rules established by the text of Article IV of the Political Parties Law.

The Building and Development Party was initiated by the Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyya in June 2011 by Tarek el-Zomor, who is currently based in Qatar, and was designated on a terror list put by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.

Tarek Al-Zomor is an Egyptian national who was among terrorists who assassinated former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat during a military parade on October 6, 1881 while celebrating the victory in war against Israel in 1973.
Zomor served a prison sentence before he joined the Salafist Building and Development Party formed after January 25th revolution.

Egypt Today


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