Male giraffe ‘Zizo’ suffered general body weaknesses before arrival in Egypt: Autopsy reveals

New giraffes imported from South Africa to Giza Zoo, including male Zizo that passed away in December - FILE

The male giraffe, which died recently at Giza Zoo a few days after it was imported from South Africa, has been suffering from general weakness for around three months before his arrival in Egypt, which caused his sudden death, announced the Director of the Central Administration of Zoos in Egypt Mohammed Ragaei.

The zoo has been examining the body to stand on the cause of the death, which occurred suddenly to the only male giraffe that the zoo had. Egypt imported three giraffes from South Africa, including two females and a male named: Farah, Sheki and Zizou respectively.

Ragaei further added that the health condition of the male giraffe was affected by a wave of cold weather, and it was unable to adapt to the new environment he was relocated to.

Giza Zoo received three new giraffes from South Africa as part of an animal exchange system, where Egypt, in exchange, hippopotamus, some types of Arab rams, white pelicans and rare parrots.

The new giraffes came from a nature reserve in South Africa, where they lived in an open forest with trees and wild animals.

Giza zoo has lost a number of giraffes that died over the past period. The zoo resorted to import new giraffes, which attract huge number of visitors. Ahead of their arrival, the zoo has allocated a new house equipped especially for the new giraffes.

Dr. Mohamed Rajaei, head of the Central Department of Zoos said in TV statements Tuesday that Egypt did not bear financial cost of the importing of the new giraffes, although transporting these animals costs a lot. However, South Africa bore the transportation expenses in accordance with the international standards of transporting wild animals.

He further added that the Giza Zoo will soon receive new elephants, ensuring that the zoo’s revenues are sufficient to cover the animals’ needs and veterinary care.

Egypt Today


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