Cabinet Reshuffle: New Minister for Public Business Sector appointed

New Minister of Public Business sector Mahmoud Esmat - file

CAIRO – 14 August 2022: Engineer Mahmoud Esmat was appointed as the new Minister of Public Business Sector in the new cabinet reshuffle announced Saturday, succeeding former Minister Hesham Tawfiq.

The Egyptian Parliament held an emergency session Saturday, where it approved a cabinet reshuffle that includes 13 new ministerial portfolios.

The parliament approved the appointment of Engineer Mahmoud Esmatas new Minister of Public Business Sector, based on the letter sent to the House of Representatives regarding the new ministerial reshuffle, following President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s invitation to the parliament to convene.

Engineer Mahmoud Esmat previously held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Airports Holding Company.

Egypt Today


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