Friday Prayers for Egypt: BBC, Insurance



Much of life depends on trust. Trust is based on credibility. Credibility comes from faithfulness.

Speaking truth or demonstrating care, guard this deposit in Egypt.

The BBC published a report on widespread torture and forced disappearances. The authorities balked, saying sources are biased – and perhaps the BBC itself.

Later, a ‘disappeared’ woman appeared on TV, denying BBC’s claims. Egypt demanded an apology, suspended cooperation, and threatened to prosecute.

God, you know. Good journalism is crucial, but it is based largely on trust.

Let not the news manipulate it. Let not the government discredit it.

Where trust is abused, expose. Where mistakes are made, correct.

Further transparency, strengthen accountability.

Judge, truthful God, in this world and the next.

The government launched a program offering social insurance to temporary workers. Without regular hire or injury compensation, the certificates give guaranteed payment in case of disruption.

It appears to be a boon to the poor, an additional benefit for employers to issue. But it is also a tool for financial inclusion, strengthening banking and market analysis.

God, you know. Good insurance is crucial, but it is based largely on trust.

Let not the poor be manipulated. Let not the elite be discredited.

Where there is genuine need, assist. Where there is worthy method, employ.

Further compassion, strengthen economy.

Bless, caring God, in this world and the next.

Too many trust too few. Too many are undeserving.

But God, make—or keep—faithful the many in Egypt. Keep—or make—credible her word.

In trusting you, may she prove trustworthy.




This prayer was written by Gayson Casper


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