Friday Prayers for Egypt: How Many and Why


In the coming days Egypt will vote. The question is not who, but how many.

The incumbent is expected to win in a landslide. Even his opponent supports him.

But with so little at stake, so much is at stake, God: Legitimacy, at home and abroad.

No doubt the president is still popular. In the eyes of many he saved a nation.

No doubt the economy is taking its toll. In the eyes of many his policies impoverish.

Egyptians can endure, God, and strengthen them in it. They can also vote, as they have demonstrated repeatedly.

Increase their agency. May they use their voice wisely.

So this week upcoming, God, take the pulse of the nation.

Are Egyptians enthused and eager to show it? Drive high the turnout.

Are Egyptians content and at peace with affairs? Let continue the mandate.

Are Egyptians accepting but with disappointment? Interpret well their absence.

Are Egyptians opposing but without like choice? Make positive their anger.

God, Egypt is at a critical moment. Elections communicate the will of the people.

May they speak, may they be heard, and may they be respected—at home and abroad.

Give Egypt four good years through the man of your choice.

You know the who and the many. Make clear the how. Bless fully the why.

Lead Egypt to peace and prosperity.


This prayer was written by Gayson Casper


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