Qatar’s media tools run out of ammunition: Report

The Qatari regime spent huge sums money, estimated at $5 billion a year, on media institutions, journalists and writers in many countries of the world - Egypt Today/Mohamed Zain

The Qatari regime has relied ever since claiming power on “media decoration” companies and engineers, and for this, it spent huge sums money, estimated at $5 billion a year, on media institutions, journalists and writers in many countries of the world, focusing on European countries and the United States to influence public opinion and put pressure on European government officials. Along with such policy, it did not forget to bribe and hire those writers who were prepared to sell their souls.

A report issued by Al-Mezmaah Studies and Research Center said Qatar’s devious schemes and plans are clearly illustrated through the reports, articles and news that are being published by the Qatari media and its affiliates.

“It is an attempt to improve the image of the Qatari regime and to present the best picture of its policies and destructive behavior in the region to Arab and international public opinion, and indirectly affect political parties in Western countries,” the report said.

“The Qatari regime believes that if it could not win the governments’ positions in European countries, by selling its policies and deceiving the public about the validity of these policies, this will certainly affect the opposition’s positions to these governments, because the opposition parties will seize every opportunity to attack the government’s policies,” the report added.

Moreover, according to the report, supporting Qatar’s policies by the opposition is possible if governments choose to abandon it. Such media plans will also support the positions of the opposition towards Qatar because its objectives are to promote common interests between Qatar and European governments, and to promote the idea that Qatar fights terrorism not supporting it, as it is indeed.

This means that the Qatari regime has so far succeeded in deceiving some regional and global governments and has been able to make a difference between it and other terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda, relying on the media deception and spending billions to reverse and counterfeit reality before public and official opinion in the European countries. Hence, it moved from being supporter of terrorism and extremist groups, and a financier of those who destabilize the region into being a fighter for terrorism and a supporter of the security and stability of the region.

In support of these schemes, Doha has funded many cultural, religious and educational institutions in Western countries, especially universities, with billions of dollars for purely political purposes aimed at influencing Western governments by injecting funds indirectly and suspiciously, as well as providing bribes to some officials in the diplomatic field and institutions in these Western countries, with the aim of pushing them to adopt a positive vision and attitudes towards the Qatari regime and to turn a blind eye to its behaviors and policies, and to improve the image of Qatar that its media is trying to promote by launching some positive statements about Doha.

The above confirms that Qatar has relied heavily on money to extinguish the wrath of the Western countries, the most influential in the world on the policies of the Qatari regime and that Doha has bought the silence of Western governments and some regional governments with very large sums of money.

However, the question now is, for how long will Doha be able to continue wasting and spending billions to buy international silence on its terrorist practices? Several recent reports confirm that the Qatari economy is suffering from many crises and problems, which led to a considerable budget deficit.

Moreover, with the current situation continues because of the Arab boycott, Qatar will suffer more in the coming months in terms of its ability to continue funding its plans and media projects, funding social and educational institutions and bribing officials, journalists and writers. Hence, the result is that Western countries will retreat from supporting the Qatari policies and may adopt a strong approach toward such ones that are supporting terrorism.

Egypt Today


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