Hamas to construct 100-meter buffer zone along Gaza-Egypt border

The Gaza Strip Interior Ministry, which is run by Hamas, announced on Wednesday the construction of a 100-meter buffer zone along the border with Egypt.

The ministry said in a press statement that the move was “part of a plan to increase control and strengthen the security situation on the southern border of the Strip.”

The first phase of measures includes paving the road along the southern border, as well as the installation of surveillance cameras, control towers and a lighting network along the border, according to the statement.

Egypt’s national security is part of Palestine’s national security, the statement asserted, claiming that Palestinian authorities would not allow any threat to Egypt’s stability through its southern border.

A delegation from Hamas headed by the chairman of its political bureau in Gaza, Yahya al-Senwar, visited Egypt earlier this month and held talks on increasing control on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.


Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-You


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