Egypt committed to negotiations over the past 10 years to solve GERD issue: FM Shoukry

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that Egypt has committed itself for negotiations to solve the tension over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) over the past ten years and still seeking a peaceful resolution to solve this issue based on the international law and the best practice.

In statements to Bloomberg, Wednesday Shoukry affirmed that “Egypt’s president has never indicated that he would be taken military actions against Ethiopia”, and when asked about the terminology of “all options are on the table”, Shoukry explained that this terminology has always been used by any country to always say that all options are always open.

“Defiantly we have done everything to avoid negotiations and I think no body seeks conflict. On contrary we seek a peaceful resolution to solve this issue passed on the international law and based on the best practice.” Shoukry said.

He added that for the political will of the Ethiopian government it could be demonstrated by signing an agreement.

The situation in Afghanistan

Shoukry stressed that the new developments in Afghanistan will certainly have repercussions on the entire region, saying conflicts over the past years have depleted the region.

A transformation with such nature and magnitude will undoubtedly have big repercussions on the entire region, Shoukry said in an interview with Bloomberg tv.

We will wait and see how the new government in Taliban will operate and how it intends to sustain the commitments it made before, he said.

Asked whether he sees the US withdrawal from Afghanistan as a disengagement from the region, Shoukry stressed that the US has many interests and very deep relationships in the Middle East, and cannot disengage from the region.

He said he thinks the US will continue relying on its traditional relationships and partnerships, including Egypt, as a strategic ally to maintain its interests and provide the security and stability the region needs.

He said the new existing situation in Afghanistan will be on the top of issues to be discussed by the Arab foreign ministers’ meeting on Thursday.

Shoukry said the region is now undergoing a very turbulent and volatile situation that is not contributing to achieving security and stability, citing ongoing conflicts in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Libya.

It is of the best interest of the countries of the region to expand communication and understandings to help achieve security and stability in the region, he added.

Relations with Turkey

When asked on restoring relations with Turkey, Shoukry said that this is only the second round of an exploratory talks between Egypt and turkey per an invitation from the Turkish government ‘to find a resolution” and a ‘formula on regaining normal relations between the two countries”.

He added that, at this stage we still have to evaluate the outcome of these second round of discussions and the context of the bilateral relations. And when Egypt is “satisfied” that outstanding issues have been resolved, the door will be open for further progress, Shoukry said.

Egypt Today


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