Hariri to visit Egypt, Kuwait before returning to Lebanon

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Saad Hariri, who announced his resignation as prime minister of Lebanon on 4 November from Saudi Arabia, will visit Egypt on Monday, before returning to Lebanon on Wednesday to participate in the national Independence Day.

Hariri’s political party, ‘El-Mustakbal Current’, also confirmed that Hariri will visit Egypt on Monday.

Hariri is also likely to visit Kuwait after Egypt, according to the Lebanese television station, ‘El-Mayadeen’.

Hariri spent Friday and Saturday in Paris, leaving Saudi Arabia for the first time since his resignation to meet with French president, Emmanuel Macron. Hariri also met numerous Lebanese politicians in Paris to determine the next steps following his unexpected resignation.

Upon his return in time for celebrating Lebanese Independence Day, Hariri said he intends to raise a sense of patriotism among the Lebanese people, aiming to end divisions and help achieve genuine stability in Lebanon, according to Lebanese broadcaster, ‘El-Mustakbal Television’.

Hariri’s resignation as prime minister has been cloaked with mystery; he announced it in a television speech broadcast live from Riyadh, explaining he believed there was an assassination plot against his life, and accused Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah of sowing discord in the Arab world.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm


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