Court releases 3 defendants over charges of assaulting Hesham Genena

Al-Qaheraa Al-Gadeda Misdemeanor Court released three defendants over accusations of assaulting ex-head of the Accountability State Authority (ASA), Councillor Hesham Genena, causing several injuries to his face and legs, in the Fifth settlement area on Saturday.

According to the court’s statement, the defendants will pay LE 500 bail to complete their release pending investigations.

The public prosecution imprisoned three persons for four days pending the investigations over charges of bullying, forcibly stealing from and assaulting Genena with penknives after he left his house on his way to the administrative court to attend an appeals court session over a case he had filed to challenge a presidential decree that removed him from his post in 2016.

In July 2016, Geneina was sacked as a top auditor after he reported that corruption had cost the country US$68 billion over four years. He was also sentenced to jail for spreading false news at the time. However, later in December, the jail sentence was suspended.

(Egypt Independent)


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