School janitor detained for sexually assaulting child

The Cairo prosecution office on Monday ordered a school janitor be detained for four days pending investigations for sexually assaulting a girl in the first grade.

The mother of the primary school child said on Monday that the janitor sexually assaulted her daughter, adding that he “uses drugs while in the school.”

Headmaster Ali Saleh of the al-Shaheed Ahmed Hamdy Experimental School in Old Cairo said on Monday that the suspect has confessed to the prosecution to having sexually assaulted the girl.

In a phone-in with TV show “Al-Ashera Masaan” (10 pm), hosted by Wael al-Ebrashy, the mother said that “the janitor accompanied the girl from the schoolyard to the room in which he resides, and closed the door then raped her during the school day.”

She added that the headmasters responded to her complaint saying that he “can’t sack the janitor […] he may come back and steal something from the school.”

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm


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