State Council defies amendments to Judicial Authority Law

The State Council general assembly decided to appoint judge Yehia Dakroury as head of the council for this legal year, which is contrary to the amendments made to the Judicial Authority Law by government and parliament.

The amendments to the law grants President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi the right to select the head of each authority out of the three most senior ones nominated by the respective general assemblies.

Previously, following the president’s ratification of the amendments, the judicial authorities said that they will respect it despite their opposition to it.

Judicial bodies vehemently expressed their rejection of the law, believing that the new amendments violate the independence of the judiciary. However, following the law’s approval, these bodies stated that they will respect the law despite their opposition.

Dakroury was the judge who ruled in favour of Egyptian sovereignty over the Red Sea islands of Tiran and Sanafir on 16 January.

Earlier this month, prominent lawyer Essam El-Eslamboly filed a lawsuit demanding the suspension of the enforcement of the law until the issue is settled by the Administrative Court, stating that the law includes unconstitutional articles. A court session is scheduled to take place on 13 June.


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