PM reviews development projects in the New Year

FILE: Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouli

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli, at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, greeted President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on the New Year 2020.

He also greeted the ministers and Egyptian people on the occasion, expressing his best wishes of prosperity and progress for the whole nation and extending special greetings to Christians on their feasts.

He pointed out that many projects will be achieved in the new year atop of which is moving government offices to the New Administrative Capital.

As for the economic file, he said that the national economy is doing well, adding that the government is interested in modernizing the industrial sector.

The government, he added, is also interested in upgrading the living standards of Egyptian citizens, pointing out to the “Decent Life” program which he described as one of the most important priorities of the government in the field of social protection.

He also indicated that the files of health care and education are also of priority to the government.

Another priority is, the Grand Egyptian Museum that will be opened in 2020 along with other development projects, he added.

Egypt Today


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