China coronavirus victims amount to 106; confirmed cases climb to over 4.5k

Pictures uploaded to social media on January 25, 2020 by the Central Hospital of Wuhan show medical staff attending to patients, in Wuhan, China. THE CENTRAL HOSPITAL OF WUHAN VIA WEIBO /via REUTERS

Chinese health authorities announced Tuesday that 4,515 confirmed cases of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) had been reported in the country, Xinhua reported Tuesday.

A total of 106 people died of the disease, according to the latest toll.

Barring Tibet, all Chinese provinces have reported the virus cases, posing a major challenge for the health authorities to contain it.

Overseas confirmed cases have been reported in Thailand (7), Japan (3), South Korea (3), the United States (3), Vietnam (2), Singapore (4), Malaysia (3), Nepal (1), France (3), Australia (4) and Sri Lanka (1).

Egypt Today


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