Egypt sends medical aid to U.S. amid Covid-19

Medical aid delivered by Egypt on military jets to Italy on April 4, 2020 amid COVID-19 crisis - Press Photo

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi instructed on Tuesday to send medical aid to the United States to confront the Coronavirus pandemic.

The military jets carrying medical equipment, anesthesia drugs and antibiotics as well as body bags, masks and testing swabs.

This comes within the framework of the distinguished relations between Egypt and the United States, as well as the interest of the Egyptian state in supporting friendly countries in facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Tuesday, the United States recorded a significant increase in the number of coronavirus infections as the number of infections with the Coronavirus reached 803.18 thousand, while the number of deaths recorded 43,558 cases, and 75 thousand cases of similar recovery

In 4 April 2020, also upon the directives of President al-Sisi, the Egyptian Armed Forces sent to Italy two military jets carrying medical equipment, protective suits, detergents and sanitizers.

In February, Egypt sent 1 million medical masks to Italy. The Minister of Health Hala Zayed flew to Beijing, China delivering ten tons of medical equipment.

In April 14, Egypt sent a large number of medical gowns to U.K. in assistance to the British government’s efforts in its fight against the spread of Coronavirus.

Egypt Today


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