Exceptional arrangements for flights back home for stranded Egyptians or residency violators in Kuwait

EgyptAir to offer deals for Hepatitis C patients - press photo

Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait Tarek el Qouni asserted that the Egyptian authorities have made arrangements to operate flights on an exceptional basis for nationals who are either stranded in Kuwait or those who have violated residency regulations.

In statements to MENA on Wednesday, Qouni said the first flight will be operated soon according to a schedule that puts into consideration the capacity of the health system in Egypt.

He said that priority will be given to women and children.

Qouni added that he is continuously contacting the Kuwaiti officials to coordinate with them over those who violate residency and the stranded Egyptians.

Qouni lauded the cooperation of the Kuwaiti authorities with the Egyptian authorities.

Egypt Today


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