Egyptian returnees from Kuwait to be quarantined in Cairo Uni. dormitories

Cairo University – file photo

A number of Egyptian expatriates who returned home from Kuwait were quarantined in Cairo University dormitories in light of the measures to curb the outbreak of the new coronavirus COVID-19) pandemic.

In a phone call to “My Responsibility” talk show on Sada al-Balad T.V. channel on Saturday evening, Giza Governor Ahmed Rashed said that some Egyptian returnees are already in the Giza-based Cairo University dormitories.

It is scheduled that more Egyptian expats will be quarantined in the on-campus houses in the coming two days, for the total number of quarantined returnees to reach 1,500 expats.

Since the coronavirus crisis started, EgyptAir, the Egyptian flag carrier, has operated many exceptional flights to several countries, including the US, UK, Maldives, Kuwait, South Sudan, and Kenya, to bring back stranded Egyptians abroad.

On April 22, Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi noted that around 3,500 Egyptians are stranded abroad due to the coronavirus outbreak, affirming that authorities are committed to bringing them back despite the “hard circumstances”.

Egypt has suspended flight movement since March 19, except for cargo flights, internal flights, ambulance flights and charter flights to enable tourists’ return.

Egypt Today


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