Official says Egypt experiences COVID-19 peak, speculates infections decline in coming weeks

A medical worker takes a sample for COVID-19 during a community testing, as authorities race to contain the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Abuja, Nigeria April 15, 2020. REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde

Deputy Head of Imbaba Fever Hospital Maher al-Garhy stated in a phone-in Saturday that Egypt is going through the peak of COVID-19 spread speculating that infections will decline in the coming weeks.

Egypt recorded, Friday, 1,577 new coronavirus cases, upping the total number of confirmed cases to 41,303.

The Health Ministry said In a statement Friday that 45 patients died from the virus over the past 24 hours, raising the death toll to 1,422.

As many as 417 patients were discharged from isolation hospitals after receiving necessary medical care, taking the number of recovered cases to 11,108 so far; Spokesman for the Health Ministry Khaled Megahed said.

Also, the number of coronavirus patients who were retested for the virus and showed negative results has reached 12,493, he added.

The Egyptian Health Ministry denied rumors that private hospitals have refrained from receiving and treating coronavirus (COVID-19) patients, the Cabinet’s media center said on Friday.

Private hospitals continue to provide services to coronavirus patients, in accordance with the ministry’s guidelines and conditions, the center quoted the ministry as saying.

Egypt Today


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