UAE backs Egypt’s stance on Libya as military intervention put on the table

Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed holds a video meeting with Deputy Speaker of the Libyan Parliament Ahmed Houmah and Eastern Libya’s Foreign Minister Abdulhadi Lahweej - WAM

The United Arab Emirates supports efforts of the international community to reach a political solution to the Libyan crisis and Egyptian “great” efforts in this regard, out of a belief that stability in a Libya is a pillar of Egyptian and national security to Egypt, the Emirati foreign minister said.

On Monday, the Egyptian House of Representatives has authorized President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to “take necessary measures” to protect national security, giving a green light for the president to send troops to Libya.

In a Wednesday video conference with Deputy Speaker of the Libyan Parliament Ahmed Houmah and Eastern Libya’s Foreign Minister Abdulhadi Lahweej, Emirati Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed said the UAE is keen on preserving the unity of Libya and achieving security and stability in all parts of the country.

The Emirati minister affirmed support to the international efforts to solve the longstanding crisis, in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations in this regard and outcome of the Berlin Conference.

Last week, Sisi said at a meeting with Libyan tribal chiefs in Egypt that any Egyptian military intervention in Libya may only materialize upon a request by the Libyan people and a permission from the Egyptian House.

According to Article 152 of the Egyptian constitution, the state has to seek the Parliament’s approval before declaring war or sending its forces in combat missions.

The members attending the session are not authorized to disclose any details of the discussion inside this secret meeting.

Libya is suffering a severe division between two factions; the Libyan Parliament and the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar in the east and the GNA led by Fayez Al-Sarraj. The latter is internationally recognized but is not accepted by the Parliament.

Hundreds were killed in continuous battles between the LNA and the forces of the GNA, over the past year.

The Egyptian army’s planned intervention in Libya has been justified by the presence of militias in the war-torn country, which allegedly threatens the national security of both Libya and its eastern neighbor, Egypt.

During his meeting with the tribal chiefs on July 16, Sisi said Egypt has always stood by a peaceful solution in Libya through encouraging negotiations between Libyan factions. However, it will not stand idly as it watches activities that threaten Egypt’s national security.

“Egypt has the strongest Army in the region and Africa,” he said, adding that it is, however, wise and does not assail or invade other territories.

He noted that in case the Egyptian forces entered Libya, they will be led by tribal leaders carrying the Libyan flag. He added that the army intervention in Libya has to be approved by the Egyptian House of Representatives.

Sisi promised that Egypt will intervene “only at the Libyans’ request and withdraw upon their order.”

Egypt Today


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