Egypt records 167 COVID-19 cases, 31 deaths

FILE PHOTO: A woman wears a protective face mask, following the outbreak of the new coronavirus, in Kuwait, February 25, 2020. REUTERS/Stephanie McGehee/File Photo

Egypt recorded Sunday 167 new coronavirus cases, upping the total number of confirmed cases to 94483.

In a statement, Spokesman for the Health Ministry Khaled Megahed said 31 patients have died from the virus over the past 24 hours, raising the death toll to 4865.

As many as 1318 patients were discharged from isolation hospitals after receiving necessary medical care, taking the number of recovered cases to 42445 so far, the spokesman said.

Statistics for the Ministry of Health and Population revealed, Wednesday that the recovery rates for people infected with coronavirus in quarantine hospitals have risen to 32.9 percent for the first time since the beginning of the crisis.

The Statistics also explained that the spread of the novel virus increases in closed places at rates much higher than in open ones, by up to 75 percent in closed places compared to 12.5 percent in open places.

Health Minister Hala Zayed said Tuesday that All COVID-19 patients in Egypt’s Red Sea and South Sinai governorates were discharged from hospitals, as no new cases were recorded in the two governorates since then.

Egypt Today


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