Egypt’s mufti: Extremist ideology ‘more dangerous’ than pandemics

Egypt's Grand Mufti Shawki Allam during an instructive symposium at Police Academy on November 28, 2017 — Press Photo

Egypt’s Mufti Dr Shawqi Allam said on Friday that extremist ideology is more dangerous than pandemics, calling for concerted efforts to protect youth against extremism.

Allam stressed the necessity of mobilizing efforts to correct the path of this ideology, which is more dangerous in its spread than the pandemics.

He added that all those who adopt extremist ideology want to achieve certain interests, the most prominent of which are political ones.

He further cited terrorists, like Abu Mohammad al-Adnani and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who quote Egyptian ideologue Sayyid Qutb’s words to serve political interests and agendas.

Egypt Today


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