Egypt capable of deterring anyone who could think of disturbing its security: Defense Minister

Military personnel- Press photo

Egypt’s Armed Forces, with its individual combatants, capabilities, and advanced weapons, are capable of deterring anyone who could think to disturb Egypt’s security, said General Mohamed Zaki, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production on Thursday during a meeting with newly-promoted military personnel.

Defending the homeland and protecting its national security is a sacred task that requires constant combat readiness, he added.

The Egyptian Armed Forces held training for 66 military officers affiliated to 31 African and Arab countries, and who are nominated to become military attaches, the ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

The training dubbed MDC-2021 also includes the wives of the officers given they accompany them in the posting.

As for the subject matters within the training, they are diplomatic work, national security, and international crisis management. Visits to military sites and archeological sites were also organized.

At the end, candidates were handed certificates of participation in a ceremony held to celebrate the conclusion of the training and that was attended by a number of Egyptian commanders and officials.

Egypt Today


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