18K women benefitted from battered women shelters in Egypt: Cabinet

Faten Amal Harby series

CAIRO – 12 April 2022: A total of 18,300 women have benefitted from guidance and battered women shelters across the country, which provide legal, social, and psychological consultations, according to a recent statement by the Cabinet Media Center.

The statement comes amid almost daily controversy on social media after every episode of the series “Faten Amal Harby,” which focuses on battered and divorced women’s rights. Ten episodes have been aired thus far.

The statement went on to detail gains of women in the past few years:

Deterring penalties for FGM and sexual harassment were adopted in January 2021.

Adoption of amendment to the criminal law stipulating that the identity of victims in harassment, sexual assault, and violence may not be disclosed.

Adoption of the National Strategy Combating Gender-Based Violence in 2015.

Establishment of the first integrated complex to protect women from violence in 2021.

Establishment of a center in Qalyubia, Delta, that provides medical, psychological, social, and educational attention for victims of human trafficking.

Intensive awareness campaigns against violence and FGM in all governorates.

Establishment of digital offices for the services of Family Prosecution.

Establishment of anti-harassment units in universities and “safe women” units in university hospitals.

“Mawada” program was launched to protect Egyptian families. It targets women from 18-25, where 190,000 women were trained since launch until February 2022.

More than 2.8 million women have benefitted from the program. More than 14,000 projects were launched as part of development efforts targeting women in rural areas in 2021.

Egypt Today


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