Twenty two light electric trains arrived to operate as part of LRT project in Administrative city

Electric train - FILE

CAIRO – 11 June 2022: The Ministry of Transport confirmed that all the 22 trains of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project have arrived and are being tried along the project path at the first and second phase stations.

The pilot operation of the new trains will take place from Adly Mansour station to the City of Arts and Culture station in the Administrative Capital, and from Adly Mansour station to the City of Knowledge. It is scheduled to open to the public soon.

Scheduled to open to the public soon, each train of the new trains includes 6 vehicles.

The total 22 trains, with a total cost of $227 million, were manufactured by the Chinese company KRIK / Avek Intel, and the design speed of the trains is 120 km / h.

The electric light rail project achieves the exchange of transport service at the central interchangeable Adly Mansour station between a number of transportation means.

The LRT project’s stations intersect with different transportation means and projects, including the Cairo-Suez railway line at Badr station, the East Nile Monorail, and the fast electric train. This guarantees exchanging of transport services.

The new transport system, consisting of 19 stations, is expected to accommodate 500,000 passengers per day. The electric train is implemented in 4 stages and starts from Adly Mansour station and then runs parallel to the Cairo-Ismailia desert road, then Badr City. And the train branches north to the 10th of Ramadan City and south to The new administrative capital, extending to the International Sports City, will be connected with the high-speed train at the capital’s central station.

Egypt Today


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