Sudan denies breaking diplomatic ties with Egypt

The official spokesperson for the Sudanese foreign ministry, Ambassador Qareb Khadrallah, denied in a statement on Sunday the recent news that the country has broken diplomatic ties with Egypt in response to Cairo voting against lifting UN economic sanctions on Sudan.

Khadrallah asserted that Minister of Foreign Affairs Ibrahim Ghandour has not released any such news since he travelled to New York to attend the he annual General Debate of the General Assembly from 19 to 25 September.

Khadrallah demanded that activists check for accuracy before posting things on social media platforms and avoid making propaganda for the news which harms relationship between Sudan and foreign countries.

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir alleged in May 2017 that the Sudanese armed forces seized Egyptian armored vehicles during clashes in Darfur that took place around the time.

Sudan banned in May the import of Egyptian agricultural and animal products, reinforcing the restrictions it first imposed in September 2016 to ban Egyptian fruit, vegetables and fish due to health concerns.

(Egypt Independent)


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