Presidential elections more likely to be a referendum: Writer

The prolific writer Abdalhaleem Qandil said that according to international standards, the upcoming presidential elections will not be competitive as they essentially involve around only one candidate, and are quite likely to be a referendum on one person, the current President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi.

During a discussion during the TV talk show “Kol Youm” on Monday evening on the reasons that may weigh on people’s participation in the coming presidential elections, Qandil forecasted that people’s turnout will doubtlessly “decline.”

He said that Egyptians may refrain from casting their votes due to the tightening the political field and the economic woes as people are already busy making a living.

“In the current circumstances, to expect people’s participation to be similar to the 2014 elections would be a miracle,” he said.


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