Sisi allocates 94.49 feddans of South Sinai to Armed Forces

A decree by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has allocated 94.49 state-owned feddans in South Sinai to the Egyptian Armed Forces, the Official Gazette wrote on Thursday.

A feddan is an Arab unit of area equivalent to 60 by 70 meters, or 4200 square meters.

The land in Ras Sudr, South Sinai, was allocated under decree No. 348 of 2018.

The Official Gazette outlined other land decrees by the president, including the allocation of two pieces of state-owned land in Minya and Beni Suef for the establishment of two new urban communities, through decree No. 347 of 2018.

Sisi also allocated 9675,43 feddans of state-owned land in Luxor to the establishment of a new urban community named New Luxor City, in presidential decree No. 356 of 2018.


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