Sisi, Macron talk Middle East peace process, Libyan situation

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (R) meets with France's President Emmanual Macron on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Biarritz – SAA/Reuters

The Egyptian and French presidents met on Monday on the sidelines of the G7 Summit in France’s Biarritz, where they discussed developments of the regional and international issues, the Egyptian presidential spokesman said.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi discussed efforts to revive the Middle East peace process and also the efforts to combat terrorism, extremism, as well as illegal immigration, during his meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

The two leaders exchanged visions around the situation in Libya, the presidential spokesman said, noting that they have agreed on the importance of consolidating joint efforts to settle the Libyan conflict in a way that contributes to eliminating terrorism, protecting the state’s national institutions and resources, and limiting foreign intervention.

Macron welcomed President Sisi’s participation at the G7 summit, praising the bilateral relations linking Egypt with France, and also the cultural and civilizational ties between the Egyptian and French peoples.

The French president affirmed his country’s keenness to enhance bilateral cooperation and continue developing the bilateral relations, consultation and coordination on political issues of mutual concern.

During the meeting, Sisi and Macron have discussed the economic ties between the two countries and the African-French relations, in light of Egypt’s chairmanship of the African Union this year.

President Sisi praised the strong and special bilateral relations with France, which enjoy historic features.

Egypt Today


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