Egypt ranks 49th worldwide in COVID-19 recovery rates: Health Ministry

Woman wearing medical mask as per precautionary measures set by Egypt to prevent COVID-19 spread - FILE

Egypt’s Ministry of Health revealed an increase in the recovery rates of Covid-19 at isolation hospitals across the country, hitting 93.2 percent.

The total number of recovered cases has thus far reached 98,089, according to the ministry.

Egypt ranks the 18th among world countries in terms of death rates of total infection rates, where Egypt’s deaths of COVID-19 records 5.8 percent out of total infections. Egypt comes after Sweden, Bolivia and Liberia with a total 6.0 percent, while preceded with Iran, Niger and San Marino, which records 5.7 percent. In the first place comes Yemen with a total percentage of 29, following by MS Zaandan (22.2 percent), Italy and Mexico (10.2 percent).

While Egypt ranks 49th among world countries in terms of recovery rates (93.2 percent), and ranks 141st in the world in terms of total infections per one million people, (1,016 infections per 1 million).

For his part, Dr. Husam Hosni, head of the Scientific Committee to Combat Corona, told Egypt Today that the Ministry of Health and Population has prepared a grand plan to confront influenza and Corona infection in the winter season, stressing that the schools’ plan to confront the Corona virus “guarantees full protection for all students.”

Egypt is planning to apply clinical trials on 6,000 people, and in case 215 persons were infected with COVID-19, the codes of the vaccine will be dismantled and the research will be halted. Then, they will wait for one year along with the measurement of antibodies of the volunteers, and then manufacture the vaccine.

The vaccine will be prepared at Factory 60 at VACSERA, she continued.

Egypt Today


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