Sisi to honor Egyptian medal winners of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics Thursday

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will honor later on Thursday Egyptian athletes who won medals at the 2020 Summer Paralympic games held in Tokyo in August and September.

The male and female athletes, along with their trainers, will be honored in Cairo’s Al-Ittihadiya Palace, Presidential Spokesman Bassam Radi said.

The Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, postponed to 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic, were held between August 24 and September 5 in the Japanese capital as the 16th of its kind.

Egypt won seven medals at the games, mostly in powerlifting. The medals included five silver and two bronze medals.

Winners of silver in powerlifting are Sherif Othman, Rehab Ahmed, Mahmoud Attia and Fatman Omar.

Mohamed El-Zayat won Egypt’s only silver medal in Taekwondo in the 2020 games.

Mohamed Elelfat and Hany Abdel Hady won bronze in powerlifting.

Egypt Today


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