Arabs should cooperate wisely to face global crisis as Russia-Ukraine war expected to last for years: Abul Gheit

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Abul Gheit - FILE

CAIRO – 13 June 2022: Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Abul Gheit said on Sunday that the Russian-Ukrainian war could last for years, hoping that the Arab world would cooperate in a wise way to face the current global crisis.

In statements to Sada al-Balad TV Channel, Abul Gheit advised that using as alternative to Russian gas is most likely, adding that “if Europe benefited from the potentials of North African countries, the situation will be much better and will help solve many problems.”

He noted that North African states are capable of producing electricity sufficient to secure the needs of the entire world and not just Europe.

He also advised Europe to invest in Egyptian energy projects to solve their problems and to invest in agriculture in Sudan to solve the wheat shortage problem.

Abul Gheit underlined the importance that Arab countries rely on themselves and cooperate with each other, saying there are millions of lands that could be cultivated in Sudan.

The AL chief stressed that the Arab countries are keen not to fall into the war’s trap, adding that they are neutral regarding the crisis.

The Arab League tasked concerned bodies to study ways to meet the Arab world’s food needs, he said.

“There are current challenges between major powers; the US and NATO on one hand and Russia and China on the other hand,” he added.

He further pointed out to a possible catastrophic consequences in Ukraine provided Russia’s possession of over 5,000 nuclear warheads.

“The West seeks to form blocs against China to tighten the noose around it as a major power, noting the Western countries see that China does not adhere to internationally-approved lines,” Abul Gheit continued.

On the Palestinian issue, the Secretary General of the Arab League said the US promised the Palestinians to cancel actions that were taken by former US President Donald Trump against them but it did nothing.

Abul Gheit said the current Israeli government declared that it is not ready for any talks with the Palestinians, underlining the importance of addressing the bankruptcy of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA).

He said there are 5 million Palestinians who benefit from the UNRWA, noting that the international community provides the agency with 1.3 billion dollars.

Abul Gheit said holding national dialogue is required as it helps achieve stability inside any society.

Egypt Today


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