Electric cars become 1st environmentally-friendly transportation services in Egypt’s Nabq Reserve

Electric cars in Egypt - file

CAIRO – 26 July 2022: Egypt’s Nabq Protected Area, located in South Sinai Governorate, had its new environmentally friendly transportation service throug the project of electric cars and water bikes.

The project was implemented by youths to support new and non-traditional ways of tourism, with the participation of the local community and in order to preserve their social, environmental and cultural heritage as a source of attraction Tourist reserves.

This type of experience and others prove the success of the Egyptian strategy to address the challenges of the environmental sector from an economic perspective, as it contributes to making investments that protect the environment, preserve it as one of its assets, and provide new and non-traditional job opportunities for young people.

The electric transport project in Nabq Reserve is in its experimental stage, and it will be expanded in the coming period, especially in light of the government’s program to transform Sharm El-Sheikh into a green and sustainable city with all its facilities.

These efforts comes in cooperation with environmental action partners from the relevant ministries, South Sinai Governorate, investors, youth and society the local.

The electric car project is based on the idea of ​​providing a unique tourist experience in the protected area, using environmentally friendly vehicles to roam within the reserve to visit landmarks, and shrines in specific areas and paths, especially the mangrove area / sunken ship, and to reflect a good image of environmentally friendly activities using electric cars, which do not exceed the speed of 40 km/h.

The car is recharged with solar energy, and this project depends on local residents to provide services to visitors, and guard the site designated for the activity as a major part of the reserves.

Egyptian Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad inspected the project a few days ago, where she stressed that environmental investments have become distinctive signs in the reserves thanks to the efforts of the Egyptian youth, who have made the environment a real opportunity for growth and development.

She further highlighted the efforts of protecting the environment and biodiversity, by integrating green projects to provide a distinctive environmental experience, and attract lovers of eco-tourism.

Egypt Today


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