Catholic Church extends suspension of masses, donates EGP 1 M to Tahya Misr Fund

FILE- Mar Girgis church - Egypt Today/ Mohamed El Hosary

The Coptic Catholic Church, under Patriarch Ibrahim Ishaq, has decided to extend the suspension of masses nationwide and donate EGP one million to Tahya Misr Fund to help in supporting medical services and staving off the impact of the novel coronavirus epidemic.

The monks will continue holding the mass with one of the servants in the absence of churchgoers, according to a statement issued by the church on Friday.

It added that the decision was taken to back the State’s efforts to counter the spread of COVID-19.

All meetings, weddings, and festivals were also canceled with restricting funeral prayers to the family of the deceased person.

The Church urged its followers to stay at home and abide by the health ministry’s instructions regarding social distancing to overcome the coronavirus pandemic.

Egypt Today


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