Libyan MP denounces Turkish ‘occupation’ of Libyan land, deployment of 17K mercenaries

Militants loyal to Libya’s Turkish-backed government in Tripoli - Reuters

Libyan Parliament Member Mohamed Al-Abany on Wednesday said Turkey has “occupied” the western parts of the Libyan state to empower the “illegitimate” authority, after the latter’s prime minister signed a “void” MoU with the Turkish President.

Prime Minister Fayez El Sarraj and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in November last year signed an MoU on the “delimitation of maritime jurisdictions,” which Egypt has strongly condemned.

In an interview with Egypt Today, Abani said Turkey has brought more than 17,000 Syrian mercenaries linked to terrorist organizations managed by both Qatar and Turkey.

Concerning probable and apparently imminent Egyptian military intervention in Libya, Abani said the step came at the request of the only legitimate and only elected legal authority in Libya, in the face of aggression and to help preserve the unity of Libya against all threats facing Sirte, Jufra and the oil crescent, an area that contains most of the country’s oil export terminals.

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El Sisi earlier in July, in a meeting with Libyan tribal leaders in Egypt, warned that the Sirte-Jufra red line shall not be crossed, describing it as a call for peace by Egypt to activate the political solution in the country.

The Libyan provinces of Sirte and Jufra are both critical for Egypt and the Libyan National Army. They strategically lie in the center of the country. Sirte has most of the country’s oil and is a major point of conflict between the conflicting sides in Egypt, due to a maritime deal between Turkey and the Government of National Accord, which is rejected by the Libyan National Army, Egypt and Europe. Egypt also fears that it can be attacked by jets launching from the Jufra airport.

The Egyptian army’s planned intervention in Libya has been justified by the presence of militias in the war-torn country, which allegedly threatens the national security of both Libya and its eastern neighbor, Egypt.

During his meeting with the tribal chiefs, Sisi said Egypt has always stood by a peaceful solution in Libya through encouraging negotiations between Libyan factions. However, it will not stand idly as it watches activities that threaten Egypt’s national security.

“Egypt has the strongest Army in the region and Africa,” he said, adding that it is, however, wise and does not assail or invade other territories.

He noted that in case the Egyptian forces entered Libya, they will be led by tribal leaders carrying the Libyan flag. He added that the army intervention in Libya has to be approved by the Egyptian House of Representatives.

Egypt Today


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