Permit to build Egypt’s Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant may be issued mid-2021

Main turbine of Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant to be replicated in Egypt's Dabaa - Egypt Today/Mohamed Ahmed Tantawy

Chairman of Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA) Amgad al-Wakil told Egypt Today that he expects the Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) to issue the permit to build Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant mid-2021.

The NPPA applied on the permit on March 10, 2019, and currently, is remedying the shortcomings detected by the ENRRA. Once the permit is out, the concrete base of the first reactor will be built.

At present, contractors are leveling the land, and constructing administrative and associate buildings.

The Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant – to be executed in partnership with Rosatom – consists of four third-generation VVER reactors. Each has a capacity of 1,200 megawatts.

Such reactors can stand a collision by a plane whose weight is 400 tons and speed is 150 meters per second. They also encompass many filters that inhibit nuclear leaks.

Egypt Today


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